New Partnership is proud to announce a new partnership with BookIT to provide SMS (text message) based services. We have various new features planned as a result of this partnership, such as sending reminders to customers to help collect on defaulted plans, sending offers to customers with abandoned carts, and more.

One new feature we'll be starting with right away will be sending an offer to customers shortly before their next scheduled payment to let them delay their payment for a small fee. This offer will not be extended on the final installment of a payment plan, ensuring merchants will still be repaid by the originally agreed upon date.

We did a trial run with a few select customers and had very positive results. In our trial, kept the fee paid by customers, however we are happy to announce that this fee will now be split with merchants, creating a NEW REVENUE STREAM for our merchants, while also offering additional convenience to customers and increasing the likelihood of plan repayment. Any merchants who do not wish to offer this option to their customers can disable it in their general settings.

We have many more exciting features planned and being released soon, so stay tuned for more announcements!